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GLUE Girls/Guys Like Us Empowerment Group

G.L.U.E is a pre-teen and teenage empowerment group constructed with the support of a teens future in mind. G.L.U.E is the solution to provoking young people to think beyond their current geographical location, and begin to embrace the thought and possibility of a successful life. Many times its difficult to even fathom that there is something more than what you see out of your window as a young person in the city of St. Louis. I desire to inspire young people to see themselves with a successful ending to their story.


Education & Outreach

Making a Difference

G.L.U.E is a pre-teen and teenage empowerment group constructed with the support of a teens future in mind. G.L.U.E is the solution to provoking young people to think beyond their current geographical location, and begin to embrace the thought and possibility of a successful life. Many times its difficult to even fathom that there is something more than what you see out of your window as a young person in the city of St. Louis. I desire to inspire young people to see themselves with a successful ending to their story.


Community Development

Doing What’s Needed

▪In our community, we are experiencing crime and death involving youth and young adults at an alarming rate. It is my mission to take a group of teens and begin to help mold them into positive success driven young people with attainable goals and a positive outlook on life, by changing the mentality from lack to lot. This will happen through coaching and mentoring sessions that are not just inspiring by hearing adults talk, but by also allowing teens to express their fears and struggles that they believe stop them from reaching their full potential.

Women Holding Hands

Support Services

Tackling the Issue

If we as the trusted adults in the lives of these children introduce them to business men and women  from the same walk of life that have already achieved  or are working in  the field, career or entrepreneurship that they are interested in, it can quicken them to move in the right direction. I am prepared to arrange for volunteers to come in, the “Who’s Who?”; of the Saint Louis area to inspire these young people with a “So Can You!” encouraging conversation, and possible mentorship.

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